A particularly good insight: "Energy follows attention. Every time you "invest" in the negative, you are honing your ability to detect faults.Your energy amplifies the annoying and the fragile, and you create the conditions that allow your problems to grow like weeds in an unkempt field." These words by Harville Hendrix i O Magazine, February 2010, put a basic principle in simple terms. "Energy follows attention. Every time you "invest" in the negative, you are honing your ability to detect faults."
The corollary is also true. Every time you invest in the positive, you are strengthening your ability to detect potential and good.
We also know that behaviourally, the strongest influence on many behaviours is a history of being positively reinforced, or rewarded. Your attention to the positive is often, by itself, a positive reinforcement of the behaviour that precedes, and is associated with, your attention.
"Thus endeth the lesson".
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